Sworn translation in Turkey
If you are in Turkey and want to submit official papers to an official department or ministry, you need to submit the papers in Turkish, not the original language in which the official paper or certificate was issued.
Since the mother and official language is the Turkish language, it is difficult to have an employee who is proficient in several languages in the official and governmental departments. Therefore, these institutions always seek the assistance of a sworn translator to conduct the transactions of foreigners in Turkey.
A sworn translator is a person who is fluent in Arabic and Turkish, or English and Turkish, or other languages with the Turkish language. And he has a license from the Turkish government to translate official transactions from their original language into the Turkish language, and sometimes the sworn translator takes the place of an interpreter in courts and in security transactions between the Arab party and the Turkish party in justice institutions.
Beytkum offers the best real estate offers for those wishing to own a property in Turkey. We are always pleased to receive your inquiries regarding real estate and many other matters at any time. You can contact us to provide translation service and many other services that our company provides to you. We are always pleased to serve you.